Tech Trends That Help You Quit Smoking

Usama Mazhar
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016


A habit that makes others question us.

You are greater than the addiction. — Google Images

Q: You actually thought you could give up such an addiction?

Answer: I thought of it a few times, a day, never thought I would, still don’t.

Being a smoker ex-smoker myself, I can tell tell you this, it’s never been easy, it still isn’t but it’s totally possible.

It’s just been 60 days you ask? Every day counts when you set sail on an expedition such as this one.

Don’t take the afore posted picture just a mere quote, It’s more like the definition of an individual’s integrity, what defines one, or in the case of smokers we may say “A pipe like object that seemingly looks cool though filled with poison or otherwise a time-bomb”.

Starting off with the topic, technology is a part of our daily life and routine, which includes our every second habits, some habits do sometimes go to the extreme of their span and become addictions.

Smoking is the most common and widely talked about among the (bad) habits. You’re in luck as I’m about to help you quit something you wish every second you would’ve never started, the best part is that you don’t have to be a technology whiz to use these methods.

1: Apps on your smartphone:

85% of people you meet and greet every day, including yourself, own a smartphone. I’m just going to presume you own one too.

How is my phone going to help me in throwing away my cigarette you ask?

A lot of apps available on your app store just focus on making you quit. I myself couldn’t have quit if it wasn’t for the app since the day 1 of my quit. You just enter your initial bio data, your D.O.B etc. The app itself calculates the level of Nicotine you’ve already inhaled based upon the facts such as “How Much Cigarettes Do You Smoke A Day”? and then tells you the Nicotine count in your whole body. Every other “Quit” app has a 24/7 Live Community that helps you. In my (app) case the community helps you get over your daily cravings, every time you feel like lighting a smoke the community stands in front of you and that unlit cigarette that you so crave for. Day in and day out until until you’ve finally gotten over your (bad, wait worst) habit.

2: Telemedicine:

As you’re on your mission to quit, you may notice some changes in yourself that includes your skin, your hair etc. However even if you don’t have the time to meet with your doctor everyday as the Nicotine levels slowly leave your body, again technology is the answer, today you can appoint a dermatologist to discuss your problems online, being prescribed with the medication of your suiting. Easy way out all thanks to technology.

3: Wearables:

21st century gave birth to wearables, wearables such as an Apple iWatche, the running watches and so much more, the list goes on.


As per census the best way smokers have found to quit their habit is to exercise or get themselves busy in any physical activity they’d like. Wearables do the trick, besides tracking your heart rate whilst you run, or your calorie burnt whilst you bike, even watch Nicotine leave (finally) your body slowly as you exercise, which in return keeps you motivated , technology really does the magic.

We are embracing technology in every way we can already, so why not in the most beneficial quit of our life, setting our javelin straight on the curve to uprising health? Remember the urge to smoke only lasts for about 3 to 5 minutes, so get yourself busy in the world of tech around you and use it as a helping hand on your newly tread journey.

Good Luck! Please show your support for me an MedMee, by clicking that lovely green heart and if you feel inclined, even drop us a comment along with a follow!

